Kong had made a good call on the sunrise, too, I think – it was pretty cloudy. It was also nice to get a good night’s sleep. After our first two stops we went on to Pre Rup, which had been a crematorium. It was a thing to climb, for the sake of climbing and for the view, and a thing to illustrate how different the different temples in the area are. But not a ruin at which one should spend a lot of time when one has a full agenda. Still, it was nice up there on top – I lingered a bit and just took it all in before I walked back down.

And then it was lunchtime – how did the morning go by so quickly? With so much more to see! But we were near a restaurant with which Kong (and several drivers, it became apparent) had a relationship – and which had great food. I had chicken amok – a traditional Cambodian dish, made with coconut milk to cool off spices that gave it quite a kick. The restaurant also had a view of Sra Srang, the former royal baths – a bonus sight to see.

Then it was on to Ta Prohm – a jungle temple. Kong dropped me off at one end of the temple and told me to walk straight through and he would meet me at the other side. The jungle had overgrown the entire complex; here, they left some trees and roots in the state in which they were found (though they are still working to restore and piece together other elements). Seeing trees growing out of the rocks was a testament to the power of nature. I assume that if any Buddhists came they would consider it auspicious. This was all tourists, no locals – I did ask Kong if he had ever been inside the temples and he said yes, once; he spends his waiting time reading up on Angkor so he has more to tell tourists – he’s not a licensed guide, he’s a driver, but he knew a lot! And he spoke English well – as did just about everyone I talked to; they do cater to tourists!

Wow - those trees entwined with the rocks are amazing! I'm sure the pictures can't do justice to them. Quite the sight!
No, the pictures don't do justice, but I did try to capture it!